Trident Rubber Private Limited is a leader in producing and marketing rubber compounds for automobile and other industries for more than 25 years.
Trident Rubber is a custom compounder of rubber, a rare breed in India. The Indian norm is that of companies in the business of rubber components manufacture, doubling as custom compounders too, producing and marketing rubber compounds, using their excess mixing capacities.
Trident serves all businesses that have a connection to rubber. The major segment however, is the fast growing Automotive Segment.
Our two-pronged mission is to pioneer custom-compounding of rubbers as a stand alone activity of significance in India, and to make available to our customers the benefits of the famed economies of Indian manufacture.
Compounding is our strength, and compounding shall be our main mission and forte. Our experience of successfully feeding ready- to- extrude rubber compounds ‘just-in-time’ (JIT) to the highly demanding automotive industry over the past two decade, has established for us a niche in Indian custom compounding.
Custom compounding is an idea which has come to stay in India, and we are happy that we contributed to make it happen.
The quality of products, our quality reports, packing and presentation and on- time delivery every time has endeared us to our customers.
Our endeavour now is to make available to them the economies of a far bigger scale of operations.
We shall be guided by clear, ethical business standards and expect the same from our vendors, associates and service providers. Above all, we shall exist, serve and thrive by the hand of the Almighty.
Available as Carbon Master Batches (CMBs) as well as ready-to-use Final Master Batches (FMBs)