It is open to any person accepting all clauses of our Terms of Use for getting information about us and the services we offer for all purposes, generally considered as ethical.
The entire web site is provided to you in an "as-is" condition without any warranty of availability or accuracy of content.
Any logos, names, brands or symbols other than Trident Rubber displayed in any of the pages of this web site belongs to their respective owners and given just for providing general awareness to the user. We are in no way state as representatives for them.
This Agreement is governed in accordance with the laws of India.
We are the sole owners of the information collected through any of the means provided in this web site. We are the only legally authorised persons to have access to the information collected, which you voluntarily gave through contact page or through any of the means provided to contact us. We do not sell or supply this information to anyone other than as necessary to fulfill your request.
We may use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We may also store your information with us for contacting you from time to time to promote our business like introducing new/other products or services from us or from any of our business associates.
This web site and all of its original content except logos/photos belongs to other entities are the sole property of Trident Rubber Private Limited, a registered company in India.
Trident Rubber Private Limited, the owner of this web site reserves the right to impose access restriction to this web site from any particular person or a group of persons or a particular or a group of IP addresses without mentioning any reason.
This site might contain a number of links to other web sites and online resources that are not owned or controlled by us and therefore cannot assume responsibility for, the content or general practices of any of these third party sites and/or services. Therefore, we strongly advise you to read the entire terms and conditions and privacy policy of any site that you visit as a result of following a link that is posted on our site.
Trident Rubber Private Limited reserves the right to amend Terms of Use document any time and to any extent and release revised versions from time to time without any notice to the users. The users are required to read the Terms of Use every time, when they visit the web site to understand their obligation of agreement to all of the clauses in Terms of Use.
Current version nullifies all previous versions and enforce the current version to be valid and effective.
Breach of Terms of Use or un-authorized or Unintended use of this web site may give power to Trident Rubber Private Limited to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offense against the user.
Use of this web site for any purpose, which can generally be considered as "un-ethical" are termed as Unauthorised use. This includes use of this web site for any purpose, which will/may adversely affect our business or our reputation in any manner.
If you have any questions about this Agreement, please feel free to Contact Us